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Coffee on Instagram: what are the most popular hashtags?

Coffee on Instagram: what are the most popular hashtags?

Instagram is, without doubt, the social website of the moment.

There are 19 million active users in Italy every month, especially in the age group of young people under 35: a real goldmine of content, photos and stories for men and women increasingly used to sharing moments of their daily lives, such as the places that they go to and what they eat and drink.

The circulation of images on Instagram can also be very useful for anyone managing a bar, as we have seen when talking about “Instagrammable”  furnishings “ , seeing as coffee is at the top of the list of most photographed food and drinks.

So let’s take a look at which are the best and most successful hashtags dedicated to coffee and how to use them to promote your own business.

#coffee and the other coffee hashtags for Instagram

A research study carried out by the University of St. Petersburg in Florida studied the most commonly used hashtags on Instagram for talking about food and drinks, in order to understand which subjects were preferred by users.

Ranked at the top was (not surprisingly) coffee, with more than 100 million posts, during the period assessed by the researchers.

To get an idea of how widespread this subject is, just think that in this ranking, wine comes second with just 36 million posts.

But is the classic espresso the favorite with Instagrammers?

Not exactly: if the classic cup of coffee  is still the most requested order at the bar, when it comes to looking good, the cappuccino wins. 

The ideal foam, decorated and colored makes all the difference. 

The Mocaccino  is also highly photographed and shared, another little delight which attracts many “likes” from other coffee fans, while in the summer, the number one favorite is the cold coffee.

The top ten most used coffees and hashtags in the world. 

Just so we can understand which are the best-loved coffees, the British company Express Vending put together its own personal ranking of the best-loved types of drink (and related hashtags).

So here are the top ten:

  1. #latte – used also to refer to cappuccinos  and the more colorful varieties such as matcha latte;
  2. #cappuccino – to make your photo a touch more Italian;
  3. #espresso – timeless and naturale on the podium;
  4. #mocha – typically Anglo-Saxon, it is the coffee combined with chocolate and foamed milk, like the mocaccino;
  5. #icecoffee – the must-have coffee for every summer;
  6. #frappuccino – a brand name registered by Starbucks, it is a coffee-based drink with ice and various other ingredients, with cream as a final touch;
  7. #americano – increasingly appreciated also in Italy;
  8. #macchiato – another great classic;
  9. #flatwhite – the New Zealand or Australian recipe which has superseded the cappuccino in some coffee shops around the world, perhaps due to the high dose of caffeine delivered by the double espresso in it;
  10. #caramelmacchiato – another flavored coffee rounds off the list, in this case, using caramel.

Finally, just out of curiosity, Express Vending asked itself which was the type of coffee most loved by Instagrammers between Arabica and Robusta.

The result?

88.441 posts for Robusta versus 79.989 for Arabica.

The most used hashtags

We start, of course, with #coffee which gets more than 110 million posts. Then there are, #coffeetime (22 million), #coffeeholic (4 million) and #instacoffee (almost 5 million) for describing passion for coffee.

Furthermore, there are also some highly used hashtags for talking all about the backstage of the coffee shop or the places themselves:

for example, #coffeehouse (1 million posts), #coffeemaker (300 thousand posts), or #baristagram (300 thousand) or even #coffeebrewing (almost 100 thousand posts).

The community of coffee lovers also uses tags like #coffeeaddicted (150 thousand posts),  #coffeelover (with a good 11 million), #coffeelife (nearly 3 million) and the unmissable #coffeebreak (4 million).

There are also hashtags in Italian which enjoy huge popularity in Italy, starting from the 2 million posts with #caffe (and 1 million with #caffè).

More than 300 thousand have the tag #caffelatte, 80 thousand with #caffenero, 18 thousand with #caffemacchiato, 10 thousand with #caffenapoletano.

There is also plenty of space dedicated to #latteart, which is highly appreciated on social websites, as well as the new trends like #matchalatte (700 thousand), #unicorncoffee (4 thousand), #goldenlatte (33 thousand), #coldbrew (1 million), #nitrocoldbrew (110 thousand).

And finally, hashtags dedicated to your own business can help to build up your popularity on social websites, starting with one of the brand.

This is the case, for example, with #filicorizecchini which is used for around 6,000 posts, #passionforquality1919 (500) and #filicorizecchiniusa (200).

What are your favorite and most effective hashtags? 


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