We've been loving and working with coffee for over a hundred years. This century taught us a lot and put us through many challenges. Filicori Zecchini doesn't just reap the benefits of its long effort, but this company, is always looking towards the future. We're always innovating and searching for new products by keeping up with our times.

Direct Sourcing
Since the beginning, we have chosen to keep strong and long lasting relationships with green coffee growers to guarantee constant quality to our costumers. For many years, we've been buying the best Brazilian and central American Arabica and Indian Robusta varieties from always the same producers. By doing that, we leave taste and aromas of our beloved historical blends untouched.

Separate Roasting
For coffee blends composition, are generally used 3 or 4 single - origins. We have always chosen to separate the roasting of every single - origin to respect each different type of bean's organoleptic features and to enhance every aroma. Our unique blends come from the mixing of individually roasted single - origins.
We respect our roots by producing Espresso coffee according to the Italian tradition but we're not afraid to try the new, to improve and to continually renovate ourselves. Filicori Zecchini explores all the ways in which the world knows and tastes coffee, even those distant from our Italian spirit.

Italian Espresso
We are specialists of the Italian Espresso. All of Filicori Zecchini blends are IEI certified, meaning that they meet the strict specifications of the Italian Espresso Institute which determines their color, texture and aroma. We deliver our modernity in 100% Arabica blends, with our single-origins and with different roasting degrees used for them.

Filicori Zecchini is one of the few Italian roasters offering their customers coffee meant to be extracted with most common percolation methods: Automatic Drip Machine, Chemex and Hario V60. These are very popular around the world, but less in Italy, with their many features and variations. Always up to date and with our cosmopolitan spirit we're constantly exploring and promoting everything concerning coffee world.
We aspire to be a point of reference in the coffee world by giving our best in everything we do and by becoming an example for every market segment. Filicori Zecchini wants to be at its best for the on-trade market, for Coffee Lovers, Modern Trade and OCS. How? We're developing selection of products according to every sector's needs, our goal is to create an unforgettable and enriching coffee experience.

HoReCa - Foodservice
The HoReCa world has always been our core business. Together since the beginning, with this sector we've achieved many satisfying results. We believe that the success is not only ours and must be shared with our customers, our Partners. Since Filicori Zecchini takes care of its clients' needs, there are specific proposals perfect for every location. We're interested in training future baristas: sharing our coffee knowledge with them is what makes a centenary roastery close to its Partners. The success of our Espresso Lab. makes us proud: every year, in fact, more than 1,200 professionals in the HoReCa sector benefit from the teachings of our Coffee Trainers.

Coffee Lovers
We strongly believe that the coffee world is considerably similar to the wine one. For coffee and wine, raw materials cannot be chosen randomly or replaced by another, perhaps more convenient at that time. Terroir is very important for both. We're collaborating with few trusted growers for many years now; we know exactly where our raw materials grow and how careful the cultivation process is. Coffee lovers are everywhere even in Italy, so we developed a Gourmet coffee selection perfect for at-home usage in which we have transfused our best professional blends made of single-origins roasted individually at different degrees.

Modern Trade
For this distribution channel we chose a new approach. Three blends - Classico, 100% Arabica and 100% Arabica Organic & Fairtrade certified - available in coffee beans, ground, paper pods and suitable capsules. We wanted our brand to be easily recognisable and findable by using white packaging. Our newest bags guarantee long lasting quality and freshness thanks to advanced preservation methods, eco - friendly and easy to dispose recyclable materials without aluminium.

We created Attimo di Pausa (Classico, Organic, and Arabica) and a selection of pods and capsules - suitable for main coffee machines on the market - which guarantee a cup of coffee very close to the one of your favourite cafè. We respect our sector's rules while always keeping an eye on the quality-price ratio.
We celebrate coffee. We work every day to strengthen the culture of its high-quality both in Italy and abroad, while trying to change how it is perceived and tasted. We want to transform a daily ritual of different cultures worldwide into a moment of pure pleasure, a gastronomic experience.

We are one of the first among Italian roasters who wanted to bet and invest on our clients training. In 2001 the Espresso Laboratory was born, a place in which we offer teaching solutions combining passion, knowledge and help for our clients' growth.

For more than a century, we've been working daily on doing business in the best possible way. We put everything under the supervision of third parties to gain certifications regarding our working process, our products' quality and the seriousness of our systems.

Today we work for our future generations and by doing that we carefully respect the environment during our productive processes: we search for technologies and materials with less environmental impact. Filicori Zecchini chooses recyclable packaging and our coffee capsule are 100% compostable.

Are you involved in the world of foodservice? Do you want to offer the best to your customers for the success of your business?
We have thought of a series of specific proposals to meet your needs: from the selection of products to the best solutions for equipment, in addition to training for you or your staff. Fill out the form with your business data and you will be contacted within a very short time by our sales consultants (obviously without any commitment for you).